2024 Vendor Applications
Dear Vendor,
Hispanic Festival Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization that coordinates Hispanic Festivals and presentations throughout the St. Louis area. Our purpose is to unite all Hispanic cultures regardless of social, economic and political backgrounds. We share rich and colorful Hispanic cultures from around the world with the people of St. Louis through the display of musicians, dancers, artisans, and chefs.
Hispanic Festival Inc. would like to formally invite you to participate in the events listed below.
The Fiesta in Florissant will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23 at the Knights of Columbus Park (near the intersection of Washington and Lindbergh). A mandatory vendors’ meeting for this festival will be held on Wednesday, May 29 at 6:30 PM at Summit Distributing, 3201 Rider Trail South in Earth City. Space is limited, so only 1 representative from your booth is needed.
The Greater St. Louis Hispanic Festival will take place at Soulard Park (South 7th & Lafayette) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, September 20, 21, and 22. This 3-day event is the largest and most celebrated Hispanic event in St Louis. It attracts local and national coverage. The mandatory vendors’ meeting for this festival will be held Wednesday, August 28 at 6:30pm at Summit Distributing, 3201 Rider Trail South in Earth City. Space is limited, so only 1 representative from your booth is needed.
Requirements to participate at festival for all vendors:
NEW: Vendors are required to carry insurance. If you need assistance with coverage, call John Shadley at Insurance Source at (314) 416-2630. Submit proof of insurance with this application or bring it to the vendors’ meeting
NEW: Vendors must offer a cashless payment option such as Square, Venmo, Cashapp, etc.
Vendors are responsible for their own 10 X 10 foot tents (must include four side walls), tables and chairs
Vendors must decorate their booths with a Hispanic theme
Food vendors are responsible for obtaining their own health and propane permits for each festival
For vendors requiring electricity for storage and/or cooking, there will be an extra charge for electricity
There will be a required $150 deposit (per festival). The deposit is 100% refundable if the vendor complies with all rules and regulations, which will be announced at each mandatory meeting
3 Self Addressed Stamped Legal Size Envelopes must be mailed in with all applications
Money orders are the only acceptable form of payment. No personal checks.
Set up for festivals is the evening before opening between 5pm and 7pm
Please be advised that failing to comply with rules set by Hispanic Festival Inc. may lead to the loss of the deposit.
All vendors are required to attend mandatory meetings. Important information is distributed to all vendors, whether food, informative or crafts, that will need to be followed at the festivals. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Must keep booth space clean, which ensures a better reputation for the festival and helps guarantee future festivals.
Must open vendor booth on time. This is beneficial to you and your business. Please commit to the set hours of the festival.
Vendors are required to sell or hand out what has been agreed upon and authorized by the Hispanic Festival.
Vendors must be present for the duration of the festival. Should a problem occur during the festival, we require that all persons responsible for their organization is present.
Deposits will be reimbursed if all rules are followed. Allow up to 180 days after each festival.
The Hispanic Festival Inc. would like to thank you in advance for your participation and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call (314) 837-6100 or email us at HispanicFest@aol.com.
Hispanic Festival Inc. Committee